Online Tutoring
We specialise in delivering individualised, private instruction through our state-of-the-art, collaborative platform. Anything you would like to do face-to-face, you can do it in your private classroom.
Secondary students can revise for tests and exams, learn new topics and stay ahead or get assistance with homework.
Primary students can have phonics instruction, learn to read, improve spelling, develop comprehension skills or develop their numeracy skills. Suitable for all primary years in their easy to use, private room customised just for them!
Work online in a room that most closely resembles face-to-face tutoring.

Free personal and private, customisable online classroom.
Customisable for all year levels and subjects from Prep to Year 12.

Free lesson recording and file storage so you can review your lesson anytime.

Upload and share documents.
Work on any school set task by uploading all documents into your private classroom. Even upload completed tasks to school!

Save pages to your computer.
Review work and complete in your own time.

Print out pages.
Review and complete work before your next lesson.

Easy "share screen" function.
Share school websites and complete work.

Chat with your tutor via live video.
Build a relationship and stay connected.

Small group option available.
Classmates can learn with you!

plus much more!
Meets all your school-based requirements!
A safe environment for learning

Verified Tutors
Every candidate is screened and interviewed and have a current Working With Children Check or VIT Registration.

Private and secure
All communication takes place on the site. Personal contact details remain private and confidential.

Recorded Online Lessons
All sessions are recorded and can be played back anytime.

Receive support and guidance from our expert tutors.
Online Tuition means no more driving around after school or on the weekends or having a certain tutor just because they live near you. Use our simple search tool, unlimited by location, to find your perfect tutor. Or, send us a request and we will find a tutor for you.
Every student has their own personal online classroom made just for them and accessible only by you and your tutor. Easy classroom access with a simple click of a button.
How Does It Work
Once you log into the site using your personal and confidential log in details, you will gain access to your personal online classroom.
This fully collaborative and interactive platform will allow you to access the most authentic online tutoring experience possible.
Upload exams, homework, worksheets, screenshots etc and gain feedback from your tutor from both the video contact with your tutor and by the ability for you both to write or type on the screen.
In addition, you can play back the recorded lesson whenever you like for easy revision. This also provides an additional layer of security and peace of mind.