Online English Tutoring

Online Secondary Years Tutoring
Online tutoring platforms should offer a completely collaborative and two-way experience for both the tutor and student. Typically, many companies or individuals offer tutoring via Skype but this does not provide many of the additional features that a dedicated collaborative platform provides. Such a platform is utilised by The Tutoring Company. Students can upload exams, homework, worksheets, screenshots etc and gain feedback from their tutor from both the video contact and by the ability for both to write or type on the screen. Students and tutors can work on documents together just as they would if sitting next to each other. In addition, sessions can be played back for easy revision and page notes can be saved and downloaded. This provides the student with the most authentic tutoring experience possible.
- Free personal and private, customisable online classroom.
- Free file storage of your lesson to review anytime within the next 14 days
- Upload and share documents
- Save pages to your computer
- Print out pages
- Easy "share screen" function
- Complete assignments online
- Listen to audio versions of certain text
- highlight and annotate
- plus much more!!

Online Primary Years Tutoring
Children in the primary years frequently require a series of short activities to keep them engaged and to enhance learning. By combining the use of the online collaborative platform with other interactive sites, children are keen to learn and enjoy the variety presented within an online tutoring session.
The focus is always on the individual child's particular needs whether that be reading, writing, spelling or comprehension.
Each session is recorded and parents can review the session with their child.
- Free personal and private, customisable online classroom.
- Free file storage of your lesson to review anytime within the next 14 days
- Upload and share documents
- Save pages to your computer
- Print out pages
- Easy "share screen" function
- practice reading from passages designed for ability level
- develop comprehension skills
- enjoy the face-toface communication via the live video
- Complete assignments online
- Listen to audio versions of certain text
- highlight and annotate
- plus much more!!