Archive for March 2020

Kids Should See This
TKSST is an unprecedented collection of over 4,500 kid-friendly videos, curated for teachers and parents who want to share smarter, more meaningful media in the classroom and at home. Selections are grown-up-friendly, too. And thanks to our members, it's free for everyone.
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Getting Ready For Remote Learning
How do I help with remote learning? Follow this guide and respond with your own questions!
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COVID 19: How to cope with home schooling
Welcome to The Tutoring Company community blog to help parents and carers cope in this current crisis.
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Jenny appointed first female board member of The Australian Tutoring Association!
It is with great pride and excitement that I announce that I have been appointed as the first female board member of The Australian Tutoring Association.
This is an incredible honour and a wonderful opportunity to represent all Australian tutors and tutoring organisations.
The Australian Tutoring Association is Australia's peak national body representing tutoring organisations and educational tutors nationally. We represent members, act as a lobby group and raise the standard of tutoring in Australia.
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Helful hints if your child needs to stay at home due to the Coronavirus.
With the Coronavirus beginning to impact schools, please find simple helpful hints to reduce anxiety amongst children and keep them busy if they need to stay home.
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